Get rid of cologne you don’t like anymore

Sometimes I buy something without testing it out first or long enough, or for some reason I just begin to dislike something I originally liked.

I was in Miami and bought some vetiver scent that I loved, but then when I came back to Seattle, very different weather, for some reason it didn’t smell as good. It’s surprising how much can affect the scent of a cologne.

If you have a collection of cologne or perfume and you haven’t worn something in months, I suggesting listing it on Ebay, selling it, and trying to buy something new on there. There are a ton of pre-owned bottles on ebay with 3/4 of the bottle left that you can get at very good deals. As always you need to be careful, make sure the seller has a good rating, but I’ve almost never had problems.

The one issue is most places wont ship alcohol (Which is liquid and flammable and fragile, pretty much every question they ask you when shipping something gets checked) air, so you have to rely on ground shipping, so make sure you make note in a listing that you will not ship it overseas.

I have sold a very large portion of my collection over the years, and I have about 16 colognes, and I love all of them.

Make sure you love what you wear

I was at a Fedex the other day and I noticed the perfume of the woman helping me. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it didn’t blow me away either. It was just a generic semi-pleasant smell. I thought back to when a girl got into my Uber a while ago. I don’t know what she was wearing but it was amazing. It immediately knocked her up a couple of points on the attractive scale.

When you buy a scent, remember this is what you smell like to people, it becomes part of who you are. There is something very intimate about the sense of smell, so it’s important to really spend some time choosing a scent. Smells trigger emotions and memories more than any other sense.

I remember when I was watching Return of the Jedi in the theater, someone was wearing some perfume, what it was I have no idea, but to this day, every few years, I’ll catch a whiff of whatever it was and be taken right back to when I was a little boy in that theater.

Whether you’re just buying one, or you have a large collection, make sure you take the time to decide on each scent. Try it on first, wear it around for a few days, make sure when you put it on you’re looking forward to it, and when you get that first whiff you love it.